Tuesday, March 31, 2009

End of March snowstorm

Too bad Jordon's birthday party that was scheduled for Saturday 3/28 at Granny's and Grandpa's was cancelled due to the freak snowstorm we got. They ended up not getting much at the farm, but in KC where we live, we got 4-5 inches. Now we will have to wait until Easter to celebrate with the family, but will be able to celebrate Grandpa's b-day at the same time.

Happy 1st birthday to me!

Jordon had his first b-day cake over the weekend-- he seemed to like it. He looks really tired here 'cause we had been downtown at the Home, Flower and Garden show so he missed his nap that afternoon. He loves being out in crowds, and anywhere there are pets. Pets were available there for adoption and I saw a dog I would have liked to have, but I think we have decided no more pets until one of the cats croaks. Three pets is a lot and we are constantly tripping over animals and Jordon as there is always someone under feet. Jordon loves to watch the cats, though, and they really make him smile. Especially Smokey, who has become his buddy. Smokey is amazingly tolerant of him, even though he's been pulling his tail a lot lately.

Thanks Grandpa Don and Joyce!

Grandpa Don and Joyce sent lots of goodies from Idaho, including fun books, clothes, stuffed animals, and toys. He especially likes the "Noisy Farm" book and "Touch and Feel Forest Surprises", and the mini-basketball hoop. Empty boxes are also exciting objects around our house (for babies and cats).

Fun with hats

Jordon has received some great hats as gifts recently. He likes to see them on other people but has a tendency to pull them off of himself. He's also developed a fascination for sunglasses.

I wanna help

Jordon loves being outside. He now races for the door if he sees that he might be able to get even out on the screen porch. He likes wandering around in the yard or being a part of whatever we're working on. We take family walks around the neighborhood often when the weather is warm enough, and he rides in either the backpack or the stroller. He is fascinated with the rake here. Doubt that will be the case when he is actually old enough to help with yardwork...

Independence adventure

We decided one weekend we were going to visit President Truman's home in Independence. Too bad Mom and Dad didn't plan ahead and get tickets in the morning. When we got there that afternoon, there was only 1 ticket left for a tour. Oh well, will have to visit another time now that we know how it works. It was still a fun day. We got in on a local St. Patrick's Day Parade, and Jordon seemed to enjoy all the activity except for the loud sirens of the firetrucks. We visited an old fashioned soda shop and Jordon really liked sharing in our meals later that afternoon at the Longhorn. He also got to play for a bit with Dad and other kids on a playground while I was visiting one of the other shops.

Is is Jordon or a bear?

One of the last really cold mornings when he was shipped off to Granny's bundled up in his bear suit. It barely fits. Amazing how he's outgrowing his clothes and getting so big...

Trying adult food...

Aunt Sarah came up to visit a few weeks ago and we took her out to eat. Jordon had started trying more real food and really liked the blueberry muffin here. He wasn't so sure about the slice of orange but since then seems to like them too, and just about anything he can get that anybody else is eating...

Naked baby time

At night before Jordon gets a bath or ready for bed, he has naked baby time. Don is really protective of this time and gets chapped at me if I "try to put his clothes on too fast"... whatever that means, maybe you have to be male to get it. Apparently there is something sacred about being naked and free. Problem is if he's naked too long he starts peeing all over the place. J loves to run around with as few clothes as possible, and it's always a fight to get him dressed.

Strollin' at Granny's

Look what I did at daycare

Can't believe it's been like a month and a half since I added anything to the blog. Here's what J did one day at daycare after falling against a metal piece on a crib?!@ They called me at work and said he was bleeding all over the place (nice). Don was nearly there to pick him up and by the time he got there at least he wasn't bleeding anymore. It has left a scar; we'll see how much it fades over time. At least this accident wasn't on our time...