Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Addition

We found out May 17th that Jordon will be getting a little brother, although he keeps saying "little sister". He will point to MaMo's belly and say "baby", and then he will point to his belly and say "baby" too. He has no idea how much his life is about to change! We are looking forward to the new adventures ahead and Jordon having a sibling to play with...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Aunt Sharon and Megan come to visit

Aunt Sharon and Megan made a quick trip up from Mississippi for a weekend-- Jordon got to go with them to Deanna Rose Farmstead, Loose Park, and the Plaza to name a few highlights.

Jordon's 2nd birthday at the farm...

More Easter...

Helen Schlueter was able to join us for Easter dinner-- it's always nice to see Helen, who hasn't lost any spunk at age 93. The shots of Tim and Jon sacked out are pretty common post-holiday dinners. Thanks to Uncle Jon for Jordon's Truman t-shirt and his first bat and ball set- everything Mizzou of course!

Birthday Goodies from Idaho!

Thanks Grandpa Don and Joyce! They sent some great summer clothes, books and a fun puzzle set, among other things.

Easter at Grandma's