Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Day at Grandma and Grandpa's

On Christmas Day, we came down early enough to be able to go to church with Dad. Everyone was being very kind and commenting about how good Jordon was in church... meanwhile I'm thinking, are they serious? It can't be good to lie in church on Christmas day. I have tried to entertain this kid for an hour, picked up his toys off the floor when he threw them down 85 times, passed him down the entire row of family members, put him in the empty pew in front of us to stand and take steps, tried to keep him from drowning out the pastor with his loud screeching, and tried to distract him from tearing up the hymnals. Keeping him contained for any length of time anymore is getting more difficult... he's just so busy and flops around all over the place like a seal doing tricks.
Not sure how we managed to miss pics with the grandparents, but we did... aside from them opening their gifts. Anyway, Jordon is here showing his fascination with the remote control. We have tried to plant decoys both at home and at Grandma's, but somehow he always knows which one actually works, and that's the one he goes for. Tim usually manages to make Jordon cry, so Don has started calling him Uncle Scary. One thing Uncle Scary started that Jordon really seems to like is sitting on the top of the couch, and then falling off for someone to catch him. He giggles, squeals, and thinks it's a blast.
It's always a good time hanging out at the farm. Mom made a ham and her homemade rolls, we all brought a dish, and Aunt Sarah stayed up all night making endless amounts of cookies!

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