Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Yeah, no surgery!

We took Jordon into CMH today, planning for grafting of his hand but the surgeon said it had healed enough that it wasn't necessary! Anesthesia was not excited about doing surgery anyway with his RSV last week--they apparently like for babies to be 4 wks post RSV and any symptoms to avoid respiratory complications (ie ending up on the vent for a week). Needless to say, we are very glad with the news. PT will be the big thing now, and there is still a chance for surgery later if he doesn't regain functioning of his finger with the PT. But the surgeon also thought that he will probably only need a few more days of dressing changes, and then we should be able to stop that as well! Good-bye chew toy! He had been getting into the habit of pulling the dressings off anyway-- sometimes 2 or 3 times a day... redressing the hand of a 10 month old solo is not exactly easy, but he always seemed to do it when only I was around...

Oh yeah, he also fell at daycare yesterday and busted his lip; apparently he bled everywhere. Within the past week or so he fell and hit his cheek on some furniture and was left with a big purple bruise. I've been afraid someone would turn us into DFS with all the stuff that's been happening to this kid. We are happy about today's news, so maybe we are turning a corner. We still go into the burn clinic tomorrow to talk with PT about the splint, and a possible pressure glove.

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