Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting so big

That's me and Jordon- getting so big! I am around 6 months pregnant with baby brother. Jordon's looking more like a little boy and less like a baby/toddler. He can swing by himself now, and loves to "drive" our vehicles. He can also reach the pedals on his tricycle, and loves to "ride and walk the block". His language skills have grown by leaps and bounds and he has become quite a little mockingbird. One of my favorite things he does now is when we are outside and go for walks- he likes to stop and "smell" the flowers, which consists of making a noise something like "fftt, fftt" instead of actually sniffing. It is so cute. He loves being outside and it can become quite a challenge sometimes to get him to come in. Our daily routines consist of quite a bit of time outside, whether it's helping his Dad in the yard (ie following the lawn mower with his wagon), or "walking the block" which is usually much more than just the block- he's content as long as he's outdoors.

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