Sunday, December 16, 2012

What the Boys are Doing and Saying Now

At 4 and 1/2, Jordon is very bright and has quite a memory. The stuff he says now often makes me laugh. Here are some examples-

Jordon- Looking at a wedding picture "Mommy are you married?"
Me- "Yes"
Jordon-- "Did you just spin around in your dress and then you were married?"
Me- "Something like that"
Jordon- "Oh, ok. Are you still married?"
Me- "Yes"
Jordon- "Well, you don't have a white dress on"

One night in the bath tub I discovered a scab he had on his forehead that I had not seen before since it was under his hair; apparently he had fallen at school and got this but we didn't know about it. I guess Daddy had not seen it either, as Jordon went on to tell me that "Daddy told me I did not have an owie but if I didn't be quiet he was going to give me one".

We have also talked about my job as a nurse. We read a book the other night that had kids at the end talking about what profession they were going to be when they grew up. Jordon told me he "wanted to be a nurse like Mommy", and that "boys can be nurses too". He has clearly heard this before from somewhere :)

One night out of the blue, we were lying on the couch together and he said "Grandpa Norbert is in heaven, but I still love him". It brought tears to my eyes. Jordon was just 18 months old when Dad died, but I guess I still talk about him enough in his presence that he he still has a sense of who he was.

The most recent things are related to Christmas. He told me tonight that Santa was working on making his Beyblades. Don told me Jordon saw a commercial on TV recently for jewelry from Jared's, and then he decided he wanted to go get me a ring for Christmas. So they settled on Kohl's (more in our budget range where he can get something fake + use a 20-30% off coupon). Don said he went back and forth about deciding which ring he wanted to get me. Then he came home and promptly gave it to me-- there was no waiting until Christmas to see it! It's a little more flashy than anything I would have picked out for myself, but I will wear it proudly and show it off to whoever I think will get a kick out of my thoughtful little Jordon! Then I had to help him wrap it so I could open it on Christmas Day. Later tonight the boys and I said Dad's table prayer before dinner and he thanked God for being able to get me that ring for Christmas.
Tristan is now 2 years and a couple months old. After being weaned off the 'baba', which went easier than we expected, Tristan has been a talking machine. His vocabulary has really picked up over the last couple months. He says 'Jordon' more clearly, and Jordon is really good about helping us interpret what Tristan is trying to say as there still are many times we can't understand what he wants. With being in the "terrible twos", he definitely throws a lot of fits and does his fair share of whining. But he's also the cuddliest kid and loves to snuggle up and read LOTS of books. He gives great hugs and "smooches". He's wild about tractors, hot wheels, play-doh, coloring and painting. He and his brother both love to play outside as much as possible. He likes to ride/ push his tricycle around the neighborhood. He likes to play in the sandbox in the backyard, and has learned to swing like a big boy next to his big brother. He does a lot of following after big brother, in doing and saying what Jordon does. Although they fight over toys on a daily basis, they actually play very well together most of the time. Tristan loves Thomas the Train and has started throwing fits at times when he can't wear his Thomas jammies or shirts (they can't be clean all the time!). He is not sleeping great right now and is often up a couple times during the night and then wanting to get up at 5 am, so Don and I have not been getting much sleep. Immediately after getting up, he wants his waffles, and wants to help with fixing them. He has become very independent and vocal when he thinks he doesn't need your help. Both boys love making things in the kitchen and have become big helpers with cooking and baking meals and "goodies", as Jordon calls them. They love to run and play, shriek and squeal as you would expect for active boys. They sure can try my patience but they are both such blessings!!

Mommy is loved!

Wearing the Batman cape while playing outside

Jordon showing off the new boots I ordered myself for Christmas!

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