Tuesday, December 29, 2020

March 2020

Jordon's 6th grade spring band concert, early March

Dad at the Auto Show downtown KC, field trip with his kids from school

Jordon's 6th grade service project

Jordon and his good friends Q and Kyle

I was able to be a parent volunteer with the kiddos on this service trip.

This is how much Jordon's group packaged in their time.

Mason and Kinleigh were able to attend one of the kids' basketball games

Tristan and the Honey Badgers

Elementary school playground

Aunt Sharon, Megan and Andrew were able to come up and visit early March before things got shut down due to COVID-19. We had a good time visiting with them and Andrew enjoyed seeing Jordon and Tristan "his brothers" (cousins) that he also likes to call "the twins".

Karli, Kyndal and Korbin were able to come play too.

Tristan and Andrew playing trucks

End of season for the Honey Badgers- they played hard!

Scored a cool b-day gift at Target!

Love this barn and sky photo!
Family walk on the trail

Boys found big sticks to push around

Tristan using  his big stick to pull down "the Tarzan vine"

Mud puddles to stomp in

Tristan climbing a tree

Saw a snake on the trail end of March

Bike ride on the trail

Trying to make Helen Schlueter's cinnamon rolls!

We forgot to let the dough raise a second time so they did not get as big as they were supposed to....but not bad for our trial run! We'll remember next time!

Jordon's 12th birthday- he was a little bummed out that he didn't get to go anywhere with friends, because everything was locked down due to COVID-19.

March started out great but quickly our lives changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The schools went to virtual learning in a crisis mode. The boys last day of in-person school was March 16th, and then they had virtual school through mid-May. It was a tough adjustment for them. They both were pretty sad at times and missed their friends. Soccer got cancelled for the spring. Baseball got shut down for a period of time. The pandemic really changed things. We all had to learn to cope with the new normal.


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