Wednesday, December 30, 2009

More at Crown Center

Outside at Crown Center

We had a lot of fun outside at Crown Center, except it was cold. We got lots of pictures cause Jordon had to "ride" on every vehicle there, except the pink car, which you can see in the background in one of these shots-- he would not go near it-- he's such a boy.

Inside Crown Center

A few weeks before Christmas we visited Crown Center. Jordon loved the train inside- this is where they acutally build this entire set with gingerbread houses and everything every year. It was pretty impressive to see all the ingredients that go into making the set. He also liked the barking puppy here and the ferret that chased the ball. We went into a toy store that had a sign hanging at the entrance that said something like "Please watch your children" and I turned to Don and said, "Can you believe they actually have to post a sign that says that?" Later in the store, it was my kid who sat on the school bus toy box, which caused it to lose it's front wheels and come apart. An employee then carried it off to the back room. Oops. It's sometimes pretty hard to be responsible for your kid at every moment, especially in a toy store.

Hangin' with Smokey

I have mentioned it before but here is a good example about how kids are like pets. Smokey was laying on the chair under the table so Jordon had to do it too. The other pic is of some serious bedhead-- before he got his recent haircut his hair was getting pretty long and wild.

Merry Christmas

Jordon was excited about decorating for Christmas this year and really liked the "yights" and ornaments for the tree. He liked to go to each one and name what it was, especially the ones with Santa on a bike, in a car, or with a train, as well as the moose and snowman ornaments. When it came to Santa in real life though, like the one here that was present at my work Christmas breakfast, he was pretty scared of him... so the only picture we could get was with Mom holding him.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Thanksgiving was at our house this year. It was our first real holiday without Dad there so it was tough. It was nice though, to see the boys play together. Evan here is 4, Logan 2, and Jordon about 20 months. Too bad someone (likely Don) was passing around a bug and everyone except Nathan's crew got sick within about 48 hours of our get-together. Tim was trying to blame Sarah's "moon-pies" for food poisoning but I don't think that was the case.

Fall leaves

Jordon has turned into quite the big helper when he wants to be. He has his own rake and "helped" with raking leaves this year. Don likes to mulch up leaves with the lawn mower- too bad I didn't get a pic of Jordon chasing Don with the mower.

MU game

We went with Sarah to a Tiger football game in early November- the weather was perfect in the 70's, but the Tigers were far from perfect and lost to Baylor. Although Jordon appears to be in a good mood here, the walk into the stadium and ride home from Columbia were both brutal with major fits and screaming. Next year maybe we should think again about a babysitter for this event... but then again, he did get to have his picture taken with Truman the Tiger!

Look what I can do...

4-wheeling with Dad

Can't believe how bad I suck at keeping the blog updated. Oh well, such is life. I think these were taken in October. Jordon loved riding on the 4-wheeler with Paps. Not sure what the draw is to the 4-wheeler but the guys in my family seem to have a thing for it. Dad was still riding this thing about 3 weeks before he died. In the one picture here you can see a portion of Tim's prized Crown Vic. I'm not sure how long that car will continue to run but it is a definite bomb-- the bumper held on with wire, a trunk that doesn't close, windows that are stuck open on the passenger side, and a front seat that is busted and leans all the way back on a permanent basis are just a few of this classic car's amenities.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty

Last night Jordon went pee pee in his potty for the first time! Not too bad considering he's not quite 21 months old yet. I'm sure actually getting the hang of this and doing it on a regular basis will take some work and time, but he was pretty excited about the clapping and cheering coming from Mom and Dad.