Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

Today would have been Dad's 70th birthday- our family got together and celebrated like we know he would have wanted to-- with pizza, Cree-Mee Freeze ice cream, and Mom's homemade angel food cake. As if that wasn't enough, I made strawberry pie too. It's weird to think it has been almost 6 months since Dad died. We miss him, think about him, and talk about him often.

Jordon was excited to see his aunt, uncles, and of course Grandma. He is funny now- when he knows we are heading to Grandma's, he will repeat her name over and over for the trip there (an hour). We also picked up tile from Lowe's on the way home to work on our home improvements to the kitchen. Don and I have a lot of work to do!

Bummer of a week

Looking forward to a better week than last... Don was told last week he would not have a teaching job next year due to budget cuts and the #1 contributing school pulling students out of the student success center. So he is now looking for a job. Two days later I was in a car accident on the way to work and think my car may be totalled out- we're waiting to hear from the insurance adjustor. The good news is that no one was really hurt- just sore and I got to waste a lot of time (3 hrs) in the ER waiting on a Rhogam shot that the OB doc thought I needed. At least the other driver admitted to the cop that the accident was her fault because she failed to yield, so hopefully expenses will be covered. For right now, I am borrowing "Grandma's van".