Sunday, June 30, 2013

Easter at Grandma's

Easter 2013

The kids got some good stuff this year from the Easter Bunny, including some watercolor paint books and reading books, and lots of candy! Tristan got a cool Thomas cup and Jordon got a Spiderman cup in his basket. We didn't have much time before church this year since the boys actually slept in Easter morning! Jordon has a habit of sleeping in on exciting mornings- he's done the same thing in the past on Christmas morning.

Happy 5th Birthday Jordon!

Jordon's b-day was March 31st, but I'm just getting around to posting shots from the event. Jordon had a few friends from daycare over along with the Kirchhoff family, and Adi and his family, and had a Beyblade themed party. It got very loud in the house at times with the boys playing, but Jordon had a great time. The cake was good and he got some fun games and toys. We got into the routine of playing Candyland every night for a while, thanks to Aunt Sarzah!












Hangin' with little man

My Sweet Boys

There are many things the boys say and do that I would like to record, but it's amazing how fast you can forget them with the business of everyday life. In recent months, Jordon has talked about what he wants to be when he grows up. First he said he wanted to be a nurse like Mommy, then he wanted to be a teacher like Daddy, and a police officer, and a ninja. I'm not sure a ninja is really a profession?! And then most recently he said he just wanted to be a Daddy when he grows up. I asked how many kids he was going to have, and he said "either 7 or 2".
Tristan is such a cuddly and affectionate child. He likes to "play with Mommy's hair" especially at bedtime, and is very gentle most of the time. He likes to sit on just about anyone's lap, but seems especially fond of Uncle Tim and Uncle Jon. He is very sweet one minute and fiercely independent the next. He loves to irritate big brother yet wants to know where he is and what he's doing at all times. The last month or so, he has been doing awesome with potty training, and is wearing undies most of the time now. He's even stayed dry a few times overnight. He will run in a mad dash for the potty yelling "no poop in undies!" and will tell us "no pee /no poop on Thomas/Percy" as most of his underwear right now are of the Thomas the Train theme.

The Mustache

Jordon got this stick-on mustache out of the toy bin at his last dentist visit. He was initially so disappointed cause he wanted a bouncy ball and made a mistake by putting his token in the wrong machine. It turned out to be a good thing, cause we had so much fun being silly with the fake mustache! The boys still like to look at these pictures and giggle- their favorite is the grumpy Jordon one.

More Winter 2013

More pics of the kids enjoying all the snow we got this past winter. We built a snowman in the front yard, and Tristan spent the next few days looking out the window wanting to "see snowman" even though he started melting and loosing parts the very next day. Jordon made his first snow angels this year. Tristan initially threw a huge fit not wanting to wear the snowsuit, but calmed with a sucker and also enjoyed playing in the snow.