Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Jordon!

Today Jordon turned 2. Just so happened it is a Wednesday so I got to be off and spend the day with him. We went to the farm and visited Grandma, went out to lunch with her, and had ice cream cones. Later we joined Dad and went to Waldo Pizza followed by playing at the park. It was a great day and the weather was warm and fantastic! We got some really nice cards in the mail and special thanks to Grandpa Don and Joyce for their care packages from Idaho. Jordon loves books and puzzles so he will have a lot of fun with the gifts!

This weekend we will also celebrate J's b-day with my family at our Easter get-together, so more pictures to follow.

March update

It's been a while since I last posted, but there has definitely been a lot going on. Unfortunately, Don made the decision a couple weeks ago to have Scooter put to sleep after a rapid decline in his health that I think was a combination between the cancer and a bad urinary tract infection that he just couldn't recover from... despite antibiotics, IV fluids, a catheter, etc. It was not a fun time at the Ferrell household. Although very hard on Don, I know that we made the right decision for Scooter.

We have also had a river running outside our house, aka a water leak we've been trying to get the city to fix for a year. They finally came out and dug some stuff up, which made it worse. Now we have been in negotiations with them about who's paying for what since we have to replace pipes leading to our house. Yuck. Being a homeowner sucks sometimes.

On a lighter note, Jordon continues to talk like crazy and repeats much of what we say. Don scared him the other day with starting up the motorcycle, so now he often says "Dada motorcycle all gone- Dada put it away." Other things he likes to say....
"Birds chirping" as we leave in the morning
"Mamo git up."
"Mamo help."
"Fire truck. Tow truck. Dump truck". He loves his truck book and could "read" it over and over.
"Bye-bye Mamo's truck".

He also has a Nursery Rhyme book he loves to look at and has surprised me a bit that he can repeat much of certain rhymes like Humpty Dumpty, Ring Around the Roses, Rock-a-Bye Baby. He also really likes "Yankee Doodle" and "Three Little Piggies". He insists on listening to "Jordon's tunes" when we have music on, and his favorite song right now is "I'm a Little Teapot". He continues to love being outside and that's where he wants to be whenever he can.

He is getting ready to transition to the 2-year old room at daycare so hopefully he will do ok with that. He has a friend there- Aditya, who he would spend most of his time with in the toddler room until Adi moved to the "big boy room" a couple months ago after he turned 2. They still see each other and play together sometimes at the end of the day... so I'm hoping the fact that he is there will make the transition easier for Jordon. The bummer is having to leave Bruce, his teacher who he has become very attached to in the toddler room. Another potential positive of the new room-- peer pressure for potty training!