Monday, March 28, 2011

Aunt Sharon and Megan visit

Aunt Sharon and Megan came to visit the boys last week. Jordon got to spend lots of quality time with them and kept saying "they're not going home". They brought the boys lots of goodies including a quilt for Tristan and a cute stuffed Mississippi crocodile, and a Cars chair for Jordon, lots of Cars stuff, a "Buzz puzzle", and awesome Louisville slugger bats for both boys with their names on them. Later Jordon referred to his Cars chair as "Jordon's bumbo- that's not Tristan's bumbo".

Tristan updates

Little man is working on his first tooth. He's been a droolin' and bitin' fool and I can feel one poking through his bottom gums. He's also fond of peeing in the bath. He used to do it right away, but now he waits a little bit and then lets it go. Tonight he peed in my face-barely missed my mouth. He's also jumping like crazy in the jumperoo and doorway swing. He really likes watching Jordon jump on the bed and then he tries to do it too. They are already doing monkey see and monkey do at age 3 and 6 months. We got some good footage on the camcorder with both of them laughing hysterically together. Here lately, they have been doing that at night. It takes very little to set them off. Jordon tries to do something to make Tristan laugh- then when Tristan starts laughing Jordon goes nuts. I agree with Don that it's like the best sound ever to hear them both laughing so hard together. Jordon has been more engaged with Tristan, and wants to keep tabs on what he's doing. He likes to give him toys and his pacifier. He likes to hold him (for a short period of time). What he already doesn't like is sharing his toys, if Tristan goes reaching for Lightning McQueen.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sickness sickness go away!

Jordon is now on his 3rd ear infection and has had 3 rounds of antibiotics over the past 2 months. I'm still not sure it's cleared up. We have an ENT appt. next week but may not make it till then. Tristan's had 2 rounds of bronchiolitis and another virus with fever, cough and runny nose that had him sent home from daycare last week. Seems like it's never ending with the sickness... which has us on a hamster wheel of taking off work, running them to the pediatrician, staying up all night listening to whichever one is coughing, and wondering if things will ever get back to normal.

On a better note, Jordon's saying some really cute things right now. He told me on the way home from daycare the other day "Mamo, you're my best buddy". I think he says those kinds of things to Don all the time since he has most of the car time with him to and from daycare. He's also doing more "reading" of books, or reciting words from memory. It's pretty cute. The teachers at school have been excited that he knows his letters and the letters of his friends' first names. He is getting ready to transition to the 3 year old room soon! Tristan's becoming more talkative and smiles all the time in the presence of his big brother. He's been eating some solids since about 4 months of age and is doing better with that... he likes to watch us eat and drink and is grabbing for cups and utensils. He's become a rolling machine and prefers to sleep on his side or stomach. Jordon's becoming more interested in wanting to involve Tristan in activities, unless it's sharing his Woody and Buzz.