Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mizzou basketball January 2014

Thanks Aunt Sarzah for tickets to a fun game with the kiddos! Everyone enjoyed it, and D.Rowe's afterwards... Columbia is always a great place to visit and like home for me and Don.

Jordon 2014

Jordon's been doing well in kindergarten. We've heard good things from his teacher Mrs. Duncan that he is a good leader and role model for other kids. He likes sports and having fun with friends. He enjoys the school daycare and is disappointed when he can't go to daycare before school. He's a very caring, kind, and sensitive boy. He's told me, "Mom, you're the best Mommy ever." and "Mommy, I wanna love on you" (kisses and hugs). Very sweet. Yesterday he asked if I wanted him to stay close to us after he got married. I said that would be great if that's what he wanted to do. He said, "Maybe if that house behind us is still there (for sale) I will move in there. Or maybe I'll move somewhere else in Missouri or Kansas. But I don't know about Kansas-- they have a lot of tornados."

Hangin' out with Tristan in 2014

Well, here we are trying to play catch up from the first 5 months of the year! I've been back in school for the spring semester and everything else has been on the back burner. It's been tough juggling school and work, and kiddos, with Don continuing to work a variable schedule that includes many evenings and weekends. Somehow we've managed to get through. Only summer semester left, if I make it that long!

These are pictures of Tristan in many different moods! He is 3 and 1/2 now and very emotional, opinionated, and wants things his own way. In one of the pics he is wearing Don's neck brace. Don had surgery in January for a C6-C7 spinal fusion. He didn't wear the brace much, but the kids played with it. Tristan's gone through a phase where he's really enjoyed watching the Toy Story movies, and a monster truck movie, and most recently it's been Dispicable Me 2. When he gets into movies he wants to watch them over and over. He loves to play outside and copies many things his big brother does. He has tried to steal church wafers from me declaring "I want grown up chips". He likes to say "Uh, oh, mosquetios (his version of spaghettios). He likes to say prayers at night and bless many things, including naming off objects he spies in his bedroom in an effort to stay awake and postpone bedtime. One night he talked about Grandpa Norbert being in heaven and that "God will fix him". Yes, I guess that's right. Sometimes kids are so smart!