We got Jordon a new bed a few weeks ago in order to be able to use the crib for the new one coming. We had converted it to a toddler bed, but now it's back to an infant crib and ready to go for when the baby makes his arrival. Jordon's been pretty happy about his new bed, although at first he still wanted to get into the crib and said it was his, not baby brother's. Since then he has said all kinds of things, including that baby brother won't sleep in the crib, but can sleep in Jordon's room, and that he would like to name him "Puppy Dog". He used to pull his shirt up and point to his belly when we talked about baby brother, now he says he's in Mamo's belly.
We got a bedroom set on sale at Costco, and so it will be fun when the boys get older to get the bunk beds set up so they can use them. For now, Jordon's pretty content with his twin bed that has cars and trucks on it. Which brings us to Cars, as that's what he is currently fascinated with. He could watch the movie on DVD all day long if we let him, and will carry the car characters all over the house. He even had Grandma watch the movie with him the other day-
His language skills are improving every day, and he is talking in complete sentences some. He's done very well with potty training for #1 but still working on #2. Seems to do better at daycare than he does for us at home- same goes for taking naps. I guess he saves the meltdowns for Mom and Dad.