Pics with godparents Aunt Sarah and cousin Megan. The ones below include our families, minus Uncle Dale who couldn't get off work to make the trip up to MO, and Grandpa Kirchhoff. Grandpa had been hospitalized for 2 weeks with a bowel obstruction followed by needing to have his gall bladder removed. He was actually discharged from the hospital on the day of the baptism but not in time to make it to the celebration. Jordon did great - he stayed awake for most of the service but was very well behaved. Don grilled up some burgers and fixins. All the food was very good but the surprise hit was the mango salsa. Even my brothers liked it and they're pretty picky. Grandpa enjoyed the food Grandma took back for him and has recovered well from his surgery. Jordon got some very nice gifts for his baptism, including children's bibles and stories, a decorative light switch and plaque for his room, and his first stuffed animal sporting a Mizzou t-shirt.

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