"The tasmanian devil" is what comes to mind in describing Jordon's sleeping patterns. He turns himself about in his bed and gets into everything. We have had to take a few things out of the crib for safety reasons. His arms and legs are in constant motion. Sometimes he'll pull out the pacifier and try to give it to me and then cry because it's not in his mouth anymore. Many nights we will partially swaddle him just to try and keep him from moving so much because it keeps him awake. Here's what a typical night is like at our house: down to sleep between 7 and 8, wake up x 3-4 times that first hour wailing. Wake up again between 11:30 and 2, then again at 4. Then Mom and Dad wake up by 5 to 5:30 to get ready for the day and get Jordon shipped off to Granny's. When Jordon wakes up, his bed looks something like this. Don gets worried about something weird happening to Jordon, so sometimes he'll sleep in his room for a while and comments about the thuds coming from the crib (from his kicking). Jordon has an aquarium in his crib that plays music and has moving fish and lights. Don said that Friday night Jordon had woken up and was bouncing his head off the power button, turning the music on and off with his noggin.
The little red and blue rocker is a great item we got from Christian and Kelly. He takes a lot of naps in it and sometimes sleeps there when we can't get him to sleep in his crib or anywhere else.
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