Sunday, December 28, 2008

I can walk

Why no posts for so long, you ask? This would be the reason. Jordon is close to 9 months old, and during the last month he has learned he can get around with pushing the cart, holding on to furniture, etc. He has been into everything, even more than before. "No, not the toilet", "No, not the trash", "No not the electric cords".... there is new theme at our house. Just this morning he crawled up on the door when I was loading the dishwasher, and then dumped over the cats' water and was playing in it. He has also learned how to open his dresser drawers, pull out clothes, and throw them on the floor. Now that our house is on the market, trying to keep it show-ready has been a real challenge. He has also crawled up half a flight of stairs, and tumbled off the individual steps that connect the rooms in our house to bang his head off the hard wood floor. He never cries for very long, so I guess he must be pretty hard-headed like his Dad.

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