Friday, November 20, 2009

Puke Central

November has not been a good month at the Ferrell house. It all started about the middle of that first week- Jordon ran a temp around 102-103 for about 3 days. Grandma came up and stayed with him Thurs. and Fri. when he couldn't go to daycare. He seemed to come out of it and we were even able to attend the Mizzou game that weekend. Then a little later he started with coughing at night and vomitting. I have lost track with how long that has gone on. One week ago it looked like his graft site was infected again. Don called Children's Mercy and they had us restart the antibiotics. Also last weekend we ended up seeing his doc on Sunday, getting a nebulizer, and starting breathing treatments to try and stay on top of the cough and keep it from leading to vomitting. His doc thought he had viral bronchitis. The neb seemed to help at first- especially if we paired it with some combination of Roxicet and/or Benadryl as well. But unfortunately as the week has gone on, he has had vomitting at least 4 nights. Then this am when I was ready to walk out the door to take him to daycare I noticed his jeans were wet and realized he had diarrhea- he had 2 large episodes this am before we could get out the door. Then I'm thinking great, what if he has c-diff from the damn antibiotics? Can babies get c-diff like adults? Don left work today and took him to be seen yet again. He wasn't sure but thought that it could be the case- the plan was to watch it this weekend and start Flagyl Monday if it doesn't improve. Good news is that it is already much improved as the day's gone on, so I am hopeful that it's not c-diff after all. Bad news is that here we are again in the middle of the night, post-clean up of jammies and bedding because he puked again. Don and I are nearly at the end of our rope from not sleeping and not knowing what else to do for the little guy. Geez it's hard being a parent sometimes. We are just wondering when we're going to get a break from all this.

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