Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Anti-Sleep Child

We keep thinking it's going to get better and it doesn't. We continue to have lots of drama at bedtime and naptime, with it sometimes taking most of our night to get this kid to go to sleep. This morning he was up at 4:15 and has refused to go back to sleep, and it's not like he went to bed early, and he took only a short nap yesterday after nearly 2 hrs. of fighting it. This routine is so old; I can't believe how much time we waste trying to get the kid to sleep and lack of sleep we get ourselves from all his antics. The night before last it was vomitting, and before that it was the ear infections, and before that it was coughing from the croup- and those are legitimate issues but most of the time it's just him wanting to stay awake. Don and I have already decided that when he's a teenager and actually wanting to sleep, it's payback time.

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