Sunday, February 5, 2012

What the Kids are Doing Now

Tristan at 16 months old- He loves to climb. No place is safe- chairs, tables, toilets. He's also the master at throwing food and his sippy cups. If he gets in trouble, he gets a very cute pouty face and tears up, and it's hard not to laugh at him. He likes to imitate big brother, and do what he does. He likes taking baths and playing in the water. He still likes the pacifier, especially when he's tired. He'll trek back to his room, put a paci in, and come running out with his hand in his hair. It's funny to see that when the paci goes in, his hand automatically goes up to run through his hair. He's a very sweet little boy. Sometimes when I rock him before he lies down to sleep, he'll rub my hand with his. He also has a great laugh- even the daycare folks have commented about how entertaining his laugh is and that he laughs so much. It makes you smile to hear him laugh, and if the two of them laugh together, it's even better.

Jordon at 3 years, going on 4- He loves his cartoon DVDs and books. He also likes to climb and jump. He talks nonstop at times. He likes to play outside, ride his bike, and play ball. It's awesome to hear him say so often "I love you Mommy (or Daddy)". He shares well (most of the time) with Tristan, even sharing his cookies and snacks. Sometimes he shares with little brother without even being asked. He's crazy for his Cars, including Lightning McQueen and friends. He's growing so much with knowing his ABCs, learning to write and working on letters and numbers. Recent funny/ cute things he's said...
"Tristan, remember that time you pooped in the tub? Do that again."
"Momo, are you big like Clifford?"
"Momo, I just want a quick hug and a smooch."

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