Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cast off

Yesterday am I was all ready to head out the door - Jordon to daycare and me to work, when I went in to pick him up from his crib and discovered he had managed to get himself out of his full arm cast. There it was, lying in his crib. There he was, pointing at his grafted hand and making the "eww" face. I think the folks at Children's Mercy finally believe us about this kid being a Houdini. He has managed to get himself out of every splint they've designed, and now a freakin' cast isn't going to stop him either.

The surgical wound seemed to freak him out a little. He kept looking at it and crying, and wouldn't let me put him down. We had an appt. today for a cast change, but apparently Tuesday was a better day for Jordon. After I finally got through to someone at Children's Mercy, we went in yesterday morning to have his arm recasted. I put a dressing on his hand twice before we left, just trying to keep it covered, clean, and dry. Twice he removed it. Finally I said screw it, and we just left it uncovered till they could do the cast. He threw a fit while they did it- for Jordon the worst thing in the world is being restricted with movement. They gave him a talking Elmo to try and distract him during the procedure. Then he didn't want to give it back, but ended up exchanging it for an orange matchbox car he could keep, which has been a big hit since then. He loves driving it over different surfaces. His second cast is green; the first one was blue. The surgeon did the first one; the OT did the second one- the one he has now seems much lighter, has a bend in it, and he seems to tolerate it easier.

Today was a change in the usual routine. Because of everything that happened yesterday, I felt I needed to work some today, so Jordon went to Granny's. Unfortuntately, Don had a meeting late at school, and they didn't get home till around 7 pm. We still had to feed him and bathe him, and he had managed to sleep 30 min. on the way home, but appeared exhausted so we tried to put him down at 7:30. Two+ hours later, a dose of Roxicet, multiple hand-offs between Mom and Dad, several periods of alone time wailing, some time in Mom and Dad's bed, etc. he was still awake and fighting sleep. Dare I say it sounds like maybe he has finally fallen out? Jordon, mark my words buddy- some day you will wish for naps and being able to go to bed early. Don and I are getting really tired of this whole bedtime routine- tonight was especially brutal, but it's rare for him to just fall asleep easily, quickly, or quietly. Why does going to sleep have to be such a difficult task? Seems like it should be much easier than it really is...

1 comment:

Christian Sinclair said...

Bummer of a week for you guys. Hope the little dude is feeling better.