Saturday, November 13, 2010


Jordon was a member of the Lightning McQueen pit crew for Halloween. We spent part of the day at Tim and Lauren's visiting new cousin Karli, then home for trick or treating. He busted out the zipper of his costume just as we were leaving to go trick or treating. We visited the "Halloween house"-- a house in our neighborhood that has the entire yard and house decorated with tombstones, zombies, and other scary stuff. Jordon was scared of the place at times and didn't want to get too close, but always wanted to drive by and see "Halloween house" for as long as the decorations were up. It's funny what kids hold on to from what they are told by parents-- when we would walk by the house on walks in the neighborhood, we would tell Jordon there was nothing to be scared about, so that Halloween night, he walked down the street from one house to the next yelling "There's nothing to be scared about" when he would see halloween decorations. It's funny too how one day he's all of a sudden scared of something that hasn't scared him before. Example- I had a pumpkin in our living room that plugs in and lights up. It was in the same spot for at least a week. One day Jordon decided he was scared of it and wanted it moved. I moved it for a while and then later put it back in the original spot. Jordon later said that "Lightning McQueen is not scared of the pumpkin" so apparently Jordon wasn't either.

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