Wednesday, December 27, 2017

January 2017

2017 has been a full year, with lots of activities, so once again I am blogging at end of year about the entire year. Better late than never! I'll try to hit the highlights of each month from what I remember. Tristan had been having trouble with frequent tonsillitis, and at the end of the month, we ended up with a trip to Children's Mercy ER, where they found he had a tonsillar abscess. He was admitted for incision and drainage of the abscess the next day. He was a sick little boy but did so well through it all. He thought the worst part was the IV. The ENT doc felt his tonsils needed to come out, but they try to wait and do that procedure when they are not infected so that procedure was to come later down the road. 

New member service at Our Savior

Mom and Tristan snuggling

                                        Beautiful sunrise from our back deck on Russell Rd

Tristan having a meltdown

Tristan fell at daycare while playing with a friend, bounced off the concrete

A few things Tristan was working on in kindergarten class, thought a couple were funny and applied to me and to Uncle Tim.

We had a few warm days in January where we were able to get out and ride bikes and scooters.

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