Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 2019

A hawk was sitting on our deck for a long time one morning. So cool to see wildlife this close. 

Sunset over Columbia when I visited for a conference 12/5 and 12/6

Decorating for Christmas

Tristan playing PS4 with friend Gavin

Exploring at the creek at the back of our property

Raleigh got a new bed for an early Christmas present.

Visiting Santa at Kansas City Hospice House! Tristan is 9 and he's seen this Santa every year of his life. Jordon was too big to sit on Santa's lap this year :(

Boys decorated and ate sugar cookies and made some cool ornaments they got to take home.

House got a new roof and gutters this year!

Tristan's been wearing Dad's old motorcycle helmet around at random times. It's way to big but he likes it.

We got about 8 inches of snow this December, around the 15-16th. Boys did not have school for a couple days and had fun playing football in the snow.

Christmas Eve service at The Summit in Lee's Summit

The Magic Tree, Lee's Summit, Christmas Eve

Hello Christmas morning!!

Attempting to break the geode proved harder than expected!

It was a very warm Christmas day, about 68 degrees, so we went for a walk on the trail and soaked up the awesome weather.

Kirchhoff Christmas- hanging with Uncle Jon watching the Chiefs game

Kinleigh looking super cute in  her sweater

Mason with troll hair headphones

Korbin opening his gifts after naptime

The mad blogging has finished for 2019! It's a wrap. Hope to do less procrastinating in 2020, but don't count on it. We've had a full and great year with so many good memories made. We give thanks to God for so many blessings. Our hearts are full of gratitude. Looking forward to 2020!

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