Tuesday, December 31, 2019

November 2019

Jordon got "Student of the Week" at PH Intermediate School

It was an exciting end of the season for both boys as both of their flag football teams won 1st place! They both won their championship games in their divisions. Yay Steelers and Seahawks!

Little man went for a walk with Raleigh and I at sunset.

So blessed to see so many beautiful sunsets. We love and appreciate God's paintings in the sky.

Post-season football party at the Carpenters' for the Steelers team

Our Christmas cactus went nuts this year- so pretty with many blooms. It always seems to do better when it can spend the summer outside.

Boys sorting and organizing football cards

Thanksgiving dogpile at Grandma's house! Thanksgiving would not be complete without an annual dogpile of kids (and sometimes adults).

My sweet niece Kinleigh- her shirt from Grandma says "Strong is the new pretty"- I think she's right.

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