After 4 hours in the car with a 16 month old, I was really questioning my sanity for coming up with this idea to begin with... thought we could manage it, but geez, what an ordeal to travel with a kid this age. On top of that, in my infinite wisdom, I had done a workout the day before we left that I hadn't done in a while so had back pain and was sore all over.... great time to be in a car unable to move. We hit a Babies'R'Us on the way down to get a cheap small stroller to be able to push Jordon around in downtown... or that was the thought anyway. Turns out that he would push it, but didn't want to ride in it so we mainly ended up carrying him or trying to keep him walking on the sidewalk and out of the street. The stroller carried the diaper bag. These pictures are outside of an Italian place we ate at called Cafe Luigi's. Jordon was completely fascinated with the biker bar across the street. In the picture where his eyes are huge he is focused on the bikers at the bar hooting, hollering, and starting up their Harleys. Don didn't say anything but I'm sure he was itching to get in on that mix too.

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