Sunday, July 5, 2009


OK, so not the results we were hoping for with the surgery. I mean, he seems healthier. Don't get me wrong. But behavior-wise, he is the same or possibly worse. He's been clingy and needy lately, wanting to be picked up and held a lot, and just overall whiny and easily fussy. Started looking at some toddler books and they say this is normal. Folks at daycare noticed it last week too, although that was most likely due to Don being out of town for a conference for a few days. His behavior at daycare improved once Don came back. It continues to be a fight to get him down for naps and at bedtime. The kid just doesn't like to sleep. He is saying more words now-- "puppy" is by far still the fave, but he now can say "bye-bye" and "all done", along with "uh-oh", "mama" and "dada". He said "pig" and "moo" (for the cow) a couple times but now refuses to say those words again with any consistency. He will pick up a phone and say "Hello" although it sounds more like "Harro". He's getting much stronger and more coordinated. He has been going up the steps now holding on to the adult handrail. He really has to stretch to reach it but makes it happen. He loves to run and dance to his toddler tunes CD.

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