Monday, December 17, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas

The boys were big helpers in decorating the tree and house for Christmas. They both have enjoyed my manger and the kid's manger from Aunt Sharon. Don gets really wigged out about them touching or potentially breaking anything, so I let them play with the figurines from my manger, which appear to be made out of hard plastic. They both really like to do this and it was funny to hear Tristan exclaiming "My Jesus!" in trying to keep Jordon away from his baby. He even took Jesus to bed with him tonight. Other nights over the past couple weeks, he has taken 2 small tractors to bed and I later checked on him to find him asleep, with one tractor still in each hand. Another night, he had taken some new Hot Wheels cars he had received as a gift from one of Don's work friends to bed, and I chuckled that night to check on him and find that all 5 cars were lined up perfectly in a row in the middle of his crib, while he was sleeping with his body smashed up against one side. Good thing the Hot Wheels had plenty of room to sleep!

Update from yesterday about the ring Jordon got me for Christmas... after insisting I help him wrap it yesterday so I could open it on Christmas, tonight he insisted I unwrap it. I told him I would not be wrapping it again to open later (like tomorrow). It lasted about 24 hours being wrapped under the tree. He is so excited about this ring he got me. He even wanted to take it to school for show and tell, but Don and I said that was not a good idea. He has already been planning to take it to Grandma's for Christmas so she can see it.

This year we took the kids to a pancake breakfast in Strasburg to see Santa. Jordon continues to be afraid of Santa when it comes to actually sitting on his lap and talking to him which is evident in the picture with me coaxing him to get closer to Santa, but he did tell him what he wanted. They also got to make some Christmas cards and ornaments at the breakfast. I was impressed with the event-- good food, no crowd, a great-looking Santa and kid's crafts! What more could you ask for?

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