Jordon- Looking at a wedding picture "Mommy are you married?"
Me- "Yes"
Jordon-- "Did you just spin around in your dress and then you were married?"
Me- "Something like that"
Jordon- "Oh, ok. Are you still married?"
Me- "Yes"
Jordon- "Well, you don't have a white dress on"
One night in the bath tub I discovered a scab he had on his forehead that I had not seen before since it was under his hair; apparently he had fallen at school and got this but we didn't know about it. I guess Daddy had not seen it either, as Jordon went on to tell me that "Daddy told me I did not have an owie but if I didn't be quiet he was going to give me one".
We have also talked about my job as a nurse. We read a book the other night that had kids at the end talking about what profession they were going to be when they grew up. Jordon told me he "wanted to be a nurse like Mommy", and that "boys can be nurses too". He has clearly heard this before from somewhere :)
One night out of the blue, we were lying on the couch together and he said "Grandpa Norbert is in heaven, but I still love him". It brought tears to my eyes. Jordon was just 18 months old when Dad died, but I guess I still talk about him enough in his presence that he he still has a sense of who he was.
The most recent things are related to Christmas. He told me tonight that Santa was working on making his Beyblades. Don told me Jordon saw a commercial on TV recently for jewelry from Jared's, and then he decided he wanted to go get me a ring for Christmas. So they settled on Kohl's (more in our budget range where he can get something fake + use a 20-30% off coupon). Don said he went back and forth about deciding which ring he wanted to get me. Then he came home and promptly gave it to me-- there was no waiting until Christmas to see it! It's a little more flashy than anything I would have picked out for myself, but I will wear it proudly and show it off to whoever I think will get a kick out of my thoughtful little Jordon! Then I had to help him wrap it so I could open it on Christmas Day. Later tonight the boys and I said Dad's table prayer before dinner and he thanked God for being able to get me that ring for Christmas.
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