Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jon's Wedding

Tristan was sacked out on the ride to Kirksville for Jon's wedding. He ditched the binky shortly after this wedding but we were not going to attempt taking it away before our 2 big car rides to the weddings (Megan's was the week before this one). We had a good time but were weddinged out- no more weddings in sight for a while which is good cause we needed some time to recover after all the fun and traveling!!

Rehearsal dinner with Uncle Tim

Since we were at Megan's wedding and missed Karli's b-day party, she got to open her present at Jon's rehearsal dinner.

The kiddos entertaining themselves with crayons and coloring books getting ready for the wedding.


Great picture with Aunt Sarzah!

Mom and her handsome boys

Whitney and her flower girls

Grandma and Jon walking down the isle

Jordon has become the pro at being a ring-bearer on back-to-back weekends! A few weeks before Jon's wedding, I was talking to Jordon about the wedding being 'up north' in Kirksville. He later asked if we were going to the 'North Pole', aka Kirksville.

Corraling the kids at the front during the ceremony

The kids went crazy running around on the dance floor, running and sliding and enjoying the lights.

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