I hate hospitals, and this experience only strengthened those feelings. I was sooo glad to get out. Although the care was very good and staff were kind and competent, I got next to no sleep and the constant interruptions were enough to drive a person nuts. I nearly had an emotional meltdown after they came for vital signs, the lactation consultant visited, a volunteer came for a survey, and the photo lady all came within a few minutes of one another...all at the same time that Jordon was wailing and wanting to be fed. I was really questioning why we didn't go ahead and leave Tues. instead of staying until Wed. like the docs advised to "get a break". Right. Anyway, we were packed up and ready to leave Wed. am hours before the doc did rounds to release Jordon. Aunt Sarah is here holding Jordon and was able to stay with us a few days to help after we came home.
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