Don had his shoulder surgery this am and came home with a pretty impressive shoulder sling, complete with padding and a built in ball for exercising his hand. He's complained of being pretty numb after the block, but otherwise doing ok. He hadn't been home 2 hrs. when he started disassembling the sling to take out pieces he thought he didn't need. Hope it doesn't affect recovery. He's supposed to wear the sling for 4-6 weeks so we'll see how long that lasts, and how long it takes for him to go nuts considering his activity limitations right now. I think we're both uneasy about how he'll manage to care for Jordon when I am at work. This has all happened at a bad time with Jordon being so young and me being really busy at work, as I will need to bring work home for the next couple weeks just to try and keep up. My Mom is planning to come up to help out some next week, so that should hopefully help us manage for the first few days.
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