This is me on Easter eve, 3/22/08, about a week before my due date of 3/30/08. Early on, I had hoped to have the baby on the due date, as that is the birthday of my Grandma Kirchhoff, whom I was very close to. As time went on and I got bigger, I was ready for him to come anytime. Although I'd had a relatively easy pregnancy, I really was becoming more and more uncomfortable in those last few weeks. A few weeks before the due date, my OB doc seemed to think I was making great progress. From his comments, we thought for sure I would be early, but day after day nothing happened. It got to be difficult going into work each day with people commenting on me still being there, and wondering if anything had changed. I thought for sure I was carrying a groundhog or some kind of creature that burrows and refuses to come out. We learned in childbirth classes that 70% of first-time moms don't have their babies until after the due date, and it appeared that I could fall into that category. With no end in sight and both Don and I wanting to get the show on the road, we followed my OB doc's suggestion of scheduling an induction for the week after my due date, and we were set for an induction on 3/31/08 at 6am if he didn't come sooner on his own.
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