Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Union Station

Union Station had a Lighted Train on display. You can see a picture painted of it above in
the mural behind us. People could walk through the train to see the huge collection of Santas
and other Christmas items decorating the train. There was so much to see that it was
difficult to try to take it all in during a quick walk-through, but still something to see. The kids also
enjoyed the electric trains that are on display every year at Union Station. The pictures of the kids
running was this cool animated display that you could walk or run across and your shadow would show up on the lighted wall. It kept them entertained for a while until the next group of kids came running through. I
had to try it out myself with some running jumping jacks. Fun to watch the figures keep moving even after you stop- it didn't capture in the photos what you could see at the site. A fun weekend outing we had on a
rare occasion that Daddy had a weekend day off work!

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